Tuesday 1 May 2012

Spaces and Places: May Day 2012


May Day greetings to you all wherever you are.

There is an excellent piece in today's Guardian (link below) which is an interview with Noam Chomsky (in reference to his forthcoming book) by two leading US Occupy activists.

Part of the interview focuses on the lessons learnt from the Occupy movement and Chomsky draws on labour movement traditions in his response.

One of Chomsky's themes is the notion of the spaces/places that movements need to meet/reflect and share allied movements - well worth reading - as is his new book (only £4 at The Guardian bookstore - which is linked to the article.

It is the notion of this overlap of ideas/movements which led me to selecting the image above for this year's May Day events.

I do hope that whatever you are doing today brings you together with like-minded activists and that you enjoy May Day 2012.


In Solidarity


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