Tuesday 22 November 2011

Protected Conversations: A License to Intimidate


As simple evidence of the malign, haphazard approach this coalition has reducing even further the bare framework work statutory employment protections UK workers have, on the same day I was delivering the GFTU's Advanced Employment Law course the government announced its consultation exercise on 'protected conversations'.

Dressed up in the usual illegitimate guise of motivating unproductive workers, the protected conversations will allow employers to intimidate, bully and victimise workers with impunity as the substance and nature of the conversation will not be permissible as evidence at a tribunal.

The old Etonian that heads this ramshackle coalition is quoted in the launch of the consultation exercise as saying:

“We want businesses to create jobs, but if employers are so concerned about the prospect, for instance, of being taken to tribunal that they don’t feel they can have frank conversations with their employees many companies just won’t feel able to create those jobs in the first place".

Obviously intelligence and knowledge isn't a feature of this proposal as any good TU rep would reply that most workers chances of getting a strong case to an ET is limited already - these proposals present a monumental setback to the landscape of legal protections in the UK.

An article from the FT on this is here: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/b217db36-0bbd-11e1-9861-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1eQjP721D

In Solidarity


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